Shopping for Parents and Grand Parents

Our Parents and Grand Parents have different needs related to Health, Comfort and Appearance. Because they may not complain to you, you may not be aware of something that would make them very happy. Without asking personal questions, you can show them any number of health and comfort products and ask, what they think. You can ask them…

“Does this look comfortable?” Or “What’s your favorite, color, perfume or after shave? etc.”  Presenting one item may encourage them to open up and tell you what they really want or if they like what you may be considering with your budget.

Show them things and let them choose. Bring your device along to show and tell and even order on the spot or without their knowledge as a surprise.  It can be fun. A Zillions times the question is asked, “What do you want for Your Birthday? Christmas? Valentines, Mothers, Fathers Day?   It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to get them something comfortable and healthy for their daily life style of sitting a lot. Look at their chair where they might spend a great deal of time, Maybe they need a cushion to make it better. Let them choose what they want. It is a good time to point out; Sitting is the new smoking. In other words, get up and move around or just stand and don’t sit longer than twenty minute for good circulation..

Here are few Quotes on Gifts and Giving ;

“We make a living by what we get, but make a life by what we give.” ~ Unknown

“What ever you find within your power to do, do it. ~ Ecclesiastes Koheleth 9, 10

God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7

“Any good you do, God is fully aware thereof.” Quran

“A hug is a gift – one size fits all, …easy to exchange.” ~ Author Unknown

“There are no problems, only opportunity for growth …” ~ Dena Weinberg

“The Charity you give, shall go to the parents, relatives, orphans, the poor and the travelers.” Quran 2:215