Signup: it’s FREE for Posterior Burn Patients

Dear Hospital Burn Ward, Burn Clinic Staff and Supply Room Personnel, Thank You for expressing interest in the ‘Contoured Ventilated’ Smart Cushion with Anti-Microbial, (It’s FREE,  Only to Posterior Burn Patience). It was designed as a recuperative device and treatment modiality so the patient will benefit at a point during recuperation. When coupled with gauze and medication, the Contoured Ventilated Smart Cushion   allows more air flow to their wounds to theoretically accelerate healing. We’re counting on the knowledge and intuition of the Clinic staff to try this new application.Here is how to pre-register :  First before filling out the entire form, inform the chain of supply personnel (three people) listed. Get permission to use their names in the form. It is imperative to get approval from The Hospital Burn Ward or Burn Clinics’ Physician-in-Charge. With approval, provide that Doctors  name, the name of  the Dept. Head Nurse and Supply Room Supervisor. Provide Hospital Burn Ward or Clinics’ Contact Information for our data base so when a posterior burn patient is admitted, we must hear from your Burn Ward or Burn Clinic’s Supply  Supervisor. We will respond to the Supervisor via email with instructions on confirming and tracking the shipment, when the FREE Contour Ventilated Cushion becomes available 60 – 90 days after our Crowd Funding Campaign. We pay shipping.We’re working on expanding our production capacity, make all models available to meet order and pre-order demands and fulfillment obligations. We might accomplish this by implementing a GoFundMe Crowd Funding Campaign. The ventilated model above requires more component resources so it will be made available approximately 60 – 90 days after a successful Crowd Funding Campaign.Please consider, if you Like us, Share and Contribute, it will speed up the entire fulfillment process enabling us to provide the benefits of support and comfort to those who need it’s many features. Thank You for Caring and joining us in this endeavor.

2015 M.Bernard Sheppard Copyrights Reserved

    FREE in 26 steps. Form will delete if closed before complete.

    Please schedule to finish and submit. Know we are not in the business of sharing your names, emails or information.


    TO: PERSON FILLING OUT THIS FORM; Please Note, The Head Physician of your burn ward or burn clinic is the responsible overseer, and based on their professional opinion, can approve anything that will heal and contribute to the patients’ well being. Even though they are busy, we still must get their approval to proceed with this offering. So we hope you will find the opportunity to get the Doctors' approval. With permissions and approval, complete the form as a proxy for the Doctor.

    The patient will benefit because, at a point in recuperation, along with gauze and medication, our Contoured Ventilated Smart Cushion will allows more air flow to their wounds and theoretically accelerate healing. (Required)Check box indicating you've read the above.

    Without the approval of the Physician-in-charge, Do Not Complete This Form.


    (Required) Full Name of Physician in Charge

    (Required) Check this box if Physician Named Above: Understands The Contoured Ventilated Smart Cushion concept and it's pending FDA Premarket Notification and Approval, Second The Physician Named Above Approves of Our Proposal to Provide Each Posterior Burn Patient, One Free Contoured Ventilated Cushion with Anti-Microbial, as a Treatment Modality or Recuperative Regime When Needed.

    (Required) Title of Person Filling Out Form:

    (Required) First Name of Person Filling Out Form

    (Required) Last Name of Person Filling Out Form

    (Required) Suffix of Person Filling Out Form

    (Required) Email of Person Filling Out Form

    (Required) Full Name of Head RN

    (Required) Full Name of Supply Dept. Supervisor

    (Required) Email of Supply Supervisor

    (Required) Name of Clinic or Hospital w/Burn Ward

    (Required) Hospital or Clinic Address

    (Required) City of Hospital or Clinic

    (Required) State or Province

    (Required) Zip or Postal Code

    (Required When Applicable) Select Country

    (Required When Applicable) Other Country

    (Required When Applicable) Region

    (Required) Telephone Number

    (When Available) Telephone Extension

    (Required When Available) Website of Hospital or Burn Clinic

    (Required) How did you learn about us?

    For Future Reference: This Cal 117 Reg. upholstery material is not designed to be installed permanently into aircraft and can only be used onboard as a portable. So whenever Flying, the Airline recommends packing it into carry-on, use without interfering with seatbelts and carry-off. FAA also says, Cal 117 Reg. material can only be 'installed' into experimental aircraft seating. The information you provide in this form is true. (Required) Check this box to Acknowledge & Agree

    (Required) Today's Date: Hover for R. drop arrow to view Calendar and click Date


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